Diane Renz, MA, NPAF, LPC has led hundreds of people through the MBSR program, and thousands throughout the country have learned from her seminar speaking on the Science, Theory, & Practice of the MBSR program. She teaches individuals & organizations how to create healthy systems by training to build attentional resources & reduce stress. People walk away with user-friendly practical applications though her translation of the current science of mindfulness.

Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, MIT Molecular Biologist, bridged two distinct fields: Ancient Wisdom known as Mindfulness & Science / Modern Medicine. Creating the first Stress Reduction Clinic in 1979 working with chronic pain patients at UMASS Hospital. The subsequent research has increased exponentially showing positive changes in brain, biology, behavior, helping people regulate pain, emotion, increase cognitive processing, decrease self-referential areas of brain that lead to rumination & worry, and reducing inflammation in the body to prevent diseases from chronic stress.